Student Services

School District 78 Student Services values inclusion, collaboration and diversity. We work in partnership with schools, families and community partners to promote student success.

  • Occupational and Physical Therapy Services

    Within School District No. 78, OT/PT services are provided jointly by the District and Fraser Valley Child Development Centre. Therapists are included in the educational team and use a collaborative approach to plan appropriate intervention to meet individual student needs. Occupational and Physical Therapists help children to function in their occupation or life roles such as school tasks, play and self-care activities. The goal is to promote functional independence for each student within the school and community and to enhance their educational goals
    Ot/PT services include:

    • Assessment of student needs
    • Consultation with educational staff and families
    • Program planning
    • Inservice training for educational staff
    • Liaison with community health agencies
    • Involvement with the IEP process
  • Assessment and School Psychology

    School Psychologists help children and youth success academically, behaviorally, socially and emotionally through collaborative consultation and assessment. Referral to a School Psychologist takes place when a student, despite documented school based intervention, continues to experience difficulties. Referrals for assessment are made through the “School Based Team” in consultation with the School Psychologist and parental input.

    School Psychologists

    • Assist in the gathering and analysis of information
    • Increase achievement by assessing barriers to learning and determining the best instructional strategies to improve learning
    • Provide in-service and training in the areas of educational assessment
    • Identify and address learning and behaviour problems that interfere with school success
    • Evaluate eligibility for special education services (within a multidisciplinary team)
    • Support students’ social, emotional and behavioural health
    • Help coordinate community support services

    Psycho-educational Assessments

    • Serve as a diagnostic and planning tool for students identified through the Core School-Based Team
    • Assist teachers and parents to better understand the nature of the child’s needs, developmental factors and implications for educational, social emotional and career decisions
    • Should be used for planning, goal setting, development of interventions and strategies and for evaluation and reporting purposes.
  • Speech Language Pathologists

    Speech-Language Pathologists (SLP’s) are specialists with a Master’s degree in Communication Disorders and are members of the College of Speech and Hearing Health Professionals of BC

    SLP’s work with School-Based Teams, Classroom Teachers, Educational Assistants, and students to address a broad range of communication issues.

    Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Services are provided for students with severe communication disorders who are unable to communicate effectively using verbal speech.

    Speech-Language Pathologists are supported by Speech-Language Assistants (SLA’s). SLA’s are support personnel who hold a diploma or equivalent and are qualified to provide therapy under the direction of an SLP.

    If parents are concerned about their child’s communication skills they should ask their child’s teacher if a referral to the SLP is needed. The teacher will share their concerns with the School Based Team. If the SLP recommends a referral, parents will be asked to sign a permission form.

    SLP’s work with students who have communication difficulties in the following areas:

    • Speech sounds
    • Difficulty discriminating and producing speech sounds
    • Language understanding and expression
    • Difficulty understanding and using language in the classroom and in social situations
    • Vocabulary and concept development
    • Word order and word endings (grammar)
    • Social communication
    • Using language for different purposes such as greeting, taking turns, and having a conversation
    • Fluency (stuttering)
    • Abnormal disruptions in the flow and rate of speech (e.g., sound repetitions at the beginning of words)
    • Augmentative and Alternative Communication
    • Used by students with severe communication disorders who are unable to communicate effectively using verbal speech due to physical and/or developmental disabilities
    • Voice
    • Differences in pitch, loudness and/or quality when compared to peer
  • Gifted & Talented

    Approximately 2-4%of the student population has a high level of cognitive functioning that would meet the criteria for Ministry Category designation as a gifted student.
    These students may be assessed at the school level through referrals to the School Based Team and parents written permission. Students in the gifted category have Individual Education Plans (IEP) that may document areas of academic differentiation to better meet and challenge their learning styles and potential. A District Committee plans events allowing gifted and talented students opportunity to express their individual strengths.

  • Special Education Video Series

    What is an IEP?

    What is an IEP Meeting?

    What Adaptations & Modifications?

    What is an Evergreen School Leaving Certificate?

  • English Language Learning

    School District 78’s English Language Learning Department helps students succeed in all content areas of the English academic environment by supporting them in language acquisition and skills development. Our specialist English Language Learning teachers:

    • Demonstrate respect and understanding of cultural diversity
    • Have specific experience and training working with students developing English Skills
    • Work directly with students and also with other experts such as learning support teachers, settlement workers, community agencies and classroom teachers)

    Students qualify for programming through a needs-based assessment and must meet Ministry of Education criteria. Students may receive as needed:

    • Individual or small group services
    • Hands-on activities
    • Vocabulary building
    • Oral language development
    • Content area support
    • Active participation and confidence building

    English Language Learning teachers can be contacted through Student Services at:
    604-869-2411 ext 112
